Benefits of Plyometric Exercises
Also known as jump training, plyometric exercises have gained new popularity in recent years and individuals are seeking the assistance of physical therapists in performing the movements. Plyometrics utilize explosive movements to build muscle and increase power. Originally developed as a training technique for Olympic athletes, it’s now being used by a wide range of individuals who are in search of attaining a new level of physical prowess.
Those seeking to employ the techniques of plyometrics would do well to seek the experience and expertise of a physical therapist. Many individuals assume that plyometric is no more difficult than the jumping they did as a child, but it places a severe amount of stress on the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal system. It shouldn’t be attempted without the guidance of a physical therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals.
The technique was first used in Germany during the 1970s. Athletes in track and field events were the focus of the new training method, but others quickly discovered the benefits across all sports. Dallas Cowboy coach, Tom Landry, was one of the first to employ the method with spectacular effects.
Minor changes have been made to the technique over the years for greater effectiveness, but it still uses dynamic resistance to rapidly stretch and contract muscles. Plyometrics increase strength in the leg muscles and reduces the impact on joints. It’s even safe for children and adolescents when performed under the guidance of a physical therapist who can assess the patient’s level of ability and create a customized program.
Controversial Method
Despite its effectiveness, plyometrics generated significant controversy, primarily due to injuries sustained by those who attempted to use the technique without the necessary knowledge of the body and how it works. Plyometrics have been proven effective for strengthening the core, along with the back and hips.
Plyometrics has three phases. The first is rapid movements that build muscle strength and the second is a very short rest period, followed by explosive muscle movement. The sequence is repeated as quickly as possible. It improves communication between the brain and the neuromuscular system for greater strength, speed, agility and power.
Depending upon the ability and fitness level of the individual, plyometric exercises can range from very-low intensity sessions to intense programs for experienced athletes. However, not everyone can engage in plyometrics. People with bone or joint problems and those who are in poor physical condition shouldn’t attempt the technique.
Quality over Quantity
Plyometrics emphasizes quality instead of quantity and training should only be conducted with the aid and supervision of a physical therapist to avoid serious injury. Our therapist will instruct individuals on the proper body form and positioning, landing techniques and weight distribution when landing.
The technique has the ability to substantially improve vertical jumps and explosive movements within a variety of athletic events and competitions. Our therapists demonstrate how to reduce the impact on joints and the potential for ligament injuries.
Safe for all ages when conducted under the auspices of our highly trained therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ, plyometric exercise is an effective means of improving physical fitness and enhancing sports performance. Plyometrics can be combined with weight training and other therapies to accommodate a variety of patient goals.
How to Prevent Wrist Fractures at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ
A wrist fracture has the potential to impact daily life for an extended period of time. Wrist fractures result from falls, sports activities and improper lifting. Owing to the complex architecture of the bones, muscles and ligaments in the wrist and hand, healing can take a while.
The wrist itself is not a bone, but a joint connecting the hand and the forearm. The type of treatment will depend upon the nature and the extent of injury to the bones, muscles and ligaments. Typical symptoms include pain, swelling and bruising especially with movement.
In some cases, nerve involvement can result in a tingling sensation in the fingers. It is important to rest and restrict motion to allow the injury to heal and to prevent displacement of bone fragments and other complications.
Wrist fractures are typically treated by applying a cast that holds the wrist in place, provides protection from movement and helps reduce pain. At times, surgery may be required.
Rapid Return to Function
During the healing period, the wrist is kept immobilized. This allows sufficient time for the healing process. The physical therapist will select the appropriate rehabilitation option to reduce pain and restore functionality. Some of the options include:
Exercise – After removal of the cast, patients may experience some discomfort and weakness as they start to use their wrist again. A customized physical therapy exercise program is a critical component for easing pain and building strength while restoring functionality and dexterity in the affected area.
Hot and Cold Therapy – Hot and cold packs are used to alleviate pain and swelling once the cast is removed and throughout rehabilitation.
Mobilization – A therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ performs manual therapy techniques to relieve joint stiffness and restore a normal range of motion.
Ultrasound – Soft tissue is stimulated below the surface of the skin using audio waves to accelerate the healing process through cellular regeneration while decreasing pain and swelling.
Electrical stimulation – This method is an effective tool for alleviating pain, strength training and rehabilitation for joints that have been inactive for extended periods of time.
Therapeutic Massage– Therapeutic massage offers many benefits. It can relieve stress in stiff joints (giving the patient a better range of motion) and enhances the body’s own ability to heal itself. Depending upon the needs of the patient, a variety of massage techniques can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Don’t Get Sidelined
Often, patients seek over-the-counter painkillers to deal with wrist pain, since it’s an inconvenience.
Sometimes, patients are reluctant to schedule time to have a wrist examination, despite significant pain. Getting the wrist checked as soon as possible is important since it can help avoid serious complications down the road.
Wrist fractures are painful and affect the ability to perform daily tasks. Without proper strengthening and rehabilitation, recovery can be a long, painful process. If you are experiencing pain from a wrist injury, we at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ can create a customized treatment plan that will reduce pain, restore mobility and facilitate recovery. Call us today to ensure a quick and speedy recovery.
How Physical Therapy Can Facilitate Workplace Wellness
The average person spends eight (8) hours or more in the workplace. Occupational hazards and risks are prevalent in a work environment, especially one with prolonged periods of sitting.
A healthy and productive work environment is a benefit for the employee and the employer. From an early emphasis on safety and injury prevention, the focus for employers is gradually shifting towards fitness and longevity.
Risks to the health and well-being of the workforce include:
Change Starts at the Top
Workplace wellness programs are driven by the leadership of the company at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ. General guidelines to promote workplace wellness include:
Step 1: Speak with your supervisor, or someone in human resources to request a wellness program.
Step 2: Obtain approval and support of key decision makers.
Step 3: Acknowledge and build on any existing wellness initiatives (if they exist).
Step 4: Conduct a survey among staff members to identify health and wellness preferences
Step 5: Work with qualified professionals to develop a plan.
Step 6: Promote and implement the plan.
Step 7: Implement a monitoring and evaluation tool to assess how the program is working.
Step 8: Analyze the findings of the assessment to modify the program as needed to ensure it remains relevant and engaging.
Physical activity at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ programs for the workplace can include:
Individualized fitness prescription can include:
Let Us Help You Set Up Your Wellness Program
A healthy and happy staff member is a valuable asset to any company. Improved well-being leads to higher job satisfaction and improved retention rates. There is a direct correlation between high productivity and a healthy and fit workforce.
When designing or adopting a workplace wellness program, invite a physical therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ to be a member of the planning team to ensure that a wellness profile is conducted for all employees.
A physical therapist can indeed help improve health and productivity at work. Ask your management to contact us to discover the benefits of physical therapy. If you are in a management position, we can start with an assessment of the ergonomic environment in your company. Call us today to learn more.
Dec, 2017
The Truth About Pain Relief (Without Pills)
It is common knowledge that physical therapy helps with relief of pain and improvement of function. In fact, it helps improve mobility, increase strength, reduce swelling and empowers individuals to live healthy, productive lives.
Here are ten things you probably did not know about physical therapy:
The Science Behind Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a highly specialized skill that involves hands-on care from the therapist. This helps individuals maintain, enhance or regain their functional capabilities. The information gathered in the evaluation is used to construct a treatment program that may include:
Hands-on techniques to bring relief – Specialized motions and movements to increase joint movement help to re-educate the body on how to move correctly. This helps in recovery following injuries and surgical interventions.
Mechanisms to reduce pain – The application of electrical stimulation through a controlled stimulation unit can reduce pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Water therapy – In some cases, individuals perform prescription exercise programs in a swimming pool. The buoyancy of water decreases stress on joints, increases range of motion, reduces pain and helps develop balance. Sessions in a whirlpool can use the action of water to control pain and inflammation, and improve circulation and range of movement.
Vibration Therapy – Sometimes called percussion therapy, the method is effective in the removal of phlegm and congestion for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Ultrasound – Acoustic waves are used to accelerate healing in soft tissue injuries and strengthen bones.
Laser Therapy – Specific light wavelengths are used to stimulate healing at the cellular level.
Massage – Therapeutic massage techniques are customized to the patient’s needs. Massage is used to counteract the effects of daily stress and maintain range of movement. The stimulation of the body’s internal healing mechanisms helps recovery.
Clinical Pilates – A specialized form of exercise (different from conventional Pilates) helps build core and pelvic floor strength. It helps improve balance and function and can be performed with or without specialized equipment.
Traction – The method stretches specific joints in the body and alleviates pain and discomfort in the spinal region.
Walking Aids – Physical therapists help patients learn how to use mobility aids such as canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs to improve mobility and prevent injuries.
The Lifelong Impact of Physical Therapy
Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ have the ability to help every single person in our community to:
In fact, we are committed to helping all our patients, and our community to live a better quality of life and lead a comfortable and active lifestyle. We treat patients with sports, work and auto injuries. We have helped individuals with a wide variety of chronic diseases and deformities to get relief from pain, dysfunction and disability. In many cases, this has reduced or eliminated the need for prescription medications.
If you, a friend or a loved one has chronic pain, mobility issues, or suffered a fall or injury, we have an arsenal of scientifically based techniques to help. We can help alleviate conditions ranging from migraines to spinal injuries – call today to learn more about what physical therapy at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ can do for you.
Heel Pain and Injury: The Physical Therapy Solution
The feet bear the weight of the body upon them, but the heel of the foot receives little thought unless it begins to hurt. Pain can originate under the heel (plantar fasciitis) or the back of the heel in the Achilles tendon. Inflammation, swelling and pain are common complaints associated with the heel.
An injury to any part of the heel can be extremely painful, producing inflammation and swelling. Individuals may have difficulty flexing their foot up or down, standing on their toes, or even walking. A heel injury may also result in a tingling sensation indicating the need for immediate medical care that will often require rehabilitation with a physical therapist.
Everyone has an occasional pain in the heel after extensive walking, jogging or sports activities and it typically disappears within a day or so with rest. Heel pain that interferes in standing, walking, or lasts a week or more can be helped with physical therapy at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ
Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain resulting from running and jogging, obesity, and excessive standing. Pain may be present when people take their first few steps in the morning or after sitting down for an extended period of sitting.
Easy Does It
An injury to the heel can have a variety of causes, from arthritis and heel spurs to stress fractures and tendon injuries. It’s important for individuals not to overwork the heel. People who aren’t accustomed to extensive running, jogging and similar activities should neverattempt participation without proper preparation.
Physical therapy at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ can prepare your feet for rigorous usage and relieve the effects of overuse. Physical therapy can help in multiple areas that include:
Pain in the heel and bottom of the foot may be caused by micro-tears in the ligament that’s responsible for supporting the arch. Any type of heel pain may develop over time and it can appear suddenly, representing an acute injury. If left untreated, heel and Achilles tendon pain worsens and can transition into a chronic condition.
Treat the pain with physical therapy
Physical Therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ can help you reduce the risk of injuring your heel with specific stretches, exercises and warm-ups that will prepare your foot for action. He/she can help you choose the right shoes for specific activities. Footwear varies widely and a shoe that’s appropriate for power walking won’t be appropriate for jogging or running a marathon.
Many people have developed mechanical dysfunction in their gait that leads to improper foot placement. Your physical therapist can examine your gait while walking, jogging and running to determine if retraining or realignment is necessary. He/she can help if arthritis or chronic conditions are involved.
Orthotic devices can be prescribed to ease pain and distribute weight more evenly for comfort. If you’re overweight or your employment requires extensive time in a standing position, your physical therapist can recommend accommodations and ergonomic solutions to relieve stress on the entire foot and the rest of the body.
Manual manipulation may be employed to improve flexibility and mobility. If heel pain is caused by a weakness in the lower leg, hip or core, you’ll have access to technologically advanced methods to strengthen those areas and improve endurance. Pain in the heel can originate in the back and spinal adjustments are effective for relieving pain in any part of the body.
Therapeutic massage and electro-stimulation may be used to loosen tight muscles in the calf and foot, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation and swelling. Braces and assistive devices can be obtained to provide support. Your physical therapist may also use dry needling, acupuncture, and joint mobilization to treat and reduce the risk of injury.
You don’t have to be a world-class athlete or compete in marathons to experience pain in your heel. It can result from an incorrect step, being overweight, or participating in active endeavors without the proper warm-up. No matter what the source, your physical therapists at at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ can help with preventative measures and treatment if an injury has already occurred.
Myofascial release techniques encompass a variety of soft tissue therapies to treat pain, relax muscles, improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, and increase mobility. Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ are masters of the methods that employ gentle touch and stretching to promote healing and relieve chronic conditions.
Skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments often become stiff, sore, and tight following an injury or trauma and are present in a myriad of chronic diseases. Pain in one area of the body often originates in another location entirely. The exact location within the anatomy where the pain originates is referred to as a trigger point and it can be manipulated through myofascial release techniques.
To protect itself, the body responds to pain, injury and chronic disease syndromes by trying to isolate the damage to a single location. The reaction can produce tension, swelling, stiffness and restrictions extending through multiple layers of interconnecting tissue that can reach to the bone. Pressure within the body can occur that’s been measured at up to 2,000 psi.
Myofascial pain has multiple components that require specialized therapy. Many conditions, diseases, syndromes and injuries can result in trigger points that cause immediate pain and effects that can linger far into the future. Symptoms may appear immediately or even years later and patients may not associate the original injury with the current pain.
Myofascial techniques are beneficial for conditions ranging from migraines and TMJ pain to lumbar problems, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel. Chronic fatigue syndrome, mastectomy pain and neurological dysfunction can all be addressed successfully with myofascial release to relieve pain, foster mobility and reduce the potential for disability.
We may utilize therapeutic massage, dry needling and acupuncture to loosen and strengthen tissues. Therapies work with the body’s own healing abilities to help remove toxins that collect at injured and inflamed locations and direct circulation where it’s needed most.
We can integrate other physical therapies with myofascial release. Compression and the gentle stretching and movements of clinical Pilates and yoga reinforce the effects of massage therapy. Depending upon the patient and the source of the pain, electrical stimulation, aquatic therapy and ultrasound may be incorporated into a treatment and management plan.
Our physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ are skilled in myofascial techniques for pain relief, restoring functionality and releasing the tension, inflammation and pressure that accompanies injuries and chronic disease. Myofascial therapies are effective for treating current, prior and chronic conditions and injuries to enhance motion, reduce the potential for disability and improve quality of life.
Most people have heard about multiple sclerosis (MS), but don’t know much about this autoimmune disease. It’s a debilitating and progressive condition that affects the brain and spinal cord.
Normally, nerves are encased in a thin and protective insulating coating called myelin. Multiple sclerosis causes the immune system to ‘turn on itself’ and eat away at the myelin. In the early stages, MS is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms may come and go over a period of time. Depending upon the extent of damage, patients may experience tingling or pain, electric shock-like sensations, vision issues and slurred speech, along with tremors and lack of coordination. Symptoms range from mild to severe. Patients are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and fluctuations can trigger symptoms.
The cause of multiple sclerosis isn’t known, but the disease has been linked to a variety of viral infections. MS can strike at any age, but typically appears between the ages of 20 and 40. Multiple sclerosis primarily affects women and is associated with a family history. Severe complications include loss of bladder and bowel control, muscle paralysis, depression and epilepsy.
With any condition involving the nervous system, it is imperative to start working with a physical therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals as soon as possible. Physical therapy techniques to improve quality of life include:
Electrical Stimulation – When a patient is unable to initiate muscle contracts, electrical stimulation provides the means to help keep muscles mobile and toned.
Gait Training – This treatment technique prevents muscle atrophy and conditions patients to walk again. It is effective for individuals experiencing numbness in the extremities and helps improve balance.
Aqua Therapy – Performed in warm, shallow water, this is a relaxing and rejuvenating form of treatment. Exercises and motions are easier to accomplish and strength and coordination is improved.
Progressive Strengthening – Improving strength and mobility through gentle, flowing motions helps build core and pelvic floor strength. This helps prevent falls due to unsteady gait and muscle weakness.
Individualized Training – A training program is tailored to each individual, and indepedent home exercise is encouraged. Exercise is appropriate for MS patients at all levels, and a physical therapist can prescribe the correct level of intensity and frequency.
Movement Adaptations – Minor adjustments to the home and work environment can help the patient adapt to fatigue and temperature sensitivity. Assistive technology such as canes, crutches and wheelchairs are used to improve quality of life.
Physical therapy is an essential part of an overall treatment plan for patients with multiple sclerosis. In fact, physical therapy can help most individuals recover from diseases / injuries affecting bones, joints, muscles and nerves. The scope of physical therapy is significant, and we can help most people improve their quality of life.
A physical therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals uses an arsenal of treatment techniques, procedures and modalities to help improve strength, mobility and stability. This is invaluable for patients with MS, as they learn adaptive techniques to mitigate the symptoms of the disease. The end result of less pain and discomfort, more freedom of movement and higher quality of life.
Multiple sclerosis is associated with unique challenges for the patient, both physical and emotional. Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals use a combination of modern treatment techniques, old fashioned encouragement and moral support. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you, and your loved ones enjoy a higher quality of life. Freedom is one phone call away. We look forward to hearing from you.
The ulnar nerve is a major nerve that runs through the arm. It is responsible for movement and sensation in the forearm and the hand. It allows intricate hand movements like writing, typing and holding objects, all of which are critical in day to day life.
The ulnar nerve travels through a small tunnel at the back of the elbow called the cubital tunnel. It is well protected within this tunnel, but can get compressed at times, resulting in cubital tunnel syndrome.
Patients with cubital tunnel syndrome experience tingling along the inner side of the forearm, weakness in the hand muscles and pain along the inner side of the elbow.
Diagnosing cubital tunnel syndrome
A physical therapist at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ will conduct an initial examination to identify the cause of pain and nerve compression. A series of tests are performed to identify restrictions in sensation and muscle function. Additional tests may be required to determine the extent nerve and bone abnormalities. An x-ray of the elbow may be conducted to rule out loose bone fragments compressing on the ulnar nerve.
Treatments of elbow pain
In the initial stages of the condition, pain and tingling occur due to constant irritation of the nerve. The referring physician and physical therapist may decide that it’s best for the patient to use a brace. This protects the nerve, muscles and bones as they are healing. As symptoms reduce, therapy emphasizes an improvement in function with the following treatment mechanisms:
Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals in South Amboy, NJ help restore and improve function by increasing motion in the elbow, reducing pain and strengthening the muscles in the hand. The first step is the reduction of pressure on the ulnar nerve within the cubital tunnel. The therapist will also help patients avoid activities that trigger pain and discomfort.
Cubital tunnel syndrome can be a painful condition that can limit the ability to perform daily tasks. Physical therapists can offer simple solutions and exercises to increase joint movement while reducing pain and irritation of the ulnar nerve.
On behalf of our entire team, we want you to know that we are committed to helping you live a healthy, pain free life. If you have any pain or restriction that affects daily activities, we can help.
We always work closely with your physician and your insurance company to make sure you have the best care possible. Physical therapy will change your life. All you have to do is to give us a call.
Jul, 2017
All of us have experienced pain and discomfort in the muscles and joints at some point, especially with age. In most cases, the use of over the counter medications, hot/cold packs and rest help resolve the problem.
Muscle and joint pain can be extremely troublesome to say the least. Some cases start with mild discomfort while others can become so severe that simple things like sitting, standing and walking become extremely painful, limiting day to day activities./
Although physical therapy can improve any condition involving muscle and joint pain, certain conditions make ongoing ongoing physical therapy a necessity. These include:
For people suffering from chronic pain and discomfort, physical therapy improves quality of life. Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals design treatment plans to increase range of motion, flexibility and strength, while reducing pain in the muscles and joints.
Relieving pain in the muscles and joints is the primary goal. A careful designed exercise program helps improve blood flow to the affected areas.
The first thing a physical therapist will do is to help you understand your limits, so you don’t hurt yourself by doing too much too soon. Physical therapists at Monmouth Rehab Professionals uses a variety of procedures and modalities to relieve chronic pain in the muscles and the joints. They also help patients to safely increase strength and mobility while reducing pain.
Procedures include therapeutic exercise, manual therapy and neuromuscular reeducation. Modalities include electrical stimulation, ultrasound and hot / cold therapy. The therapist will use his / her clinical judgement to identify, design and implement the right protocol based on the needs of the patient.
Physical therapy is a proven solution to chronic muscle and joint problems. This condition can affect individuals of all ages, and has the potential to impact every aspect of life.
Patients require emotional and physical support since the condition can become severely limiting in nature. Patients may experience anxiety, depression, and potential disability as the condition advances.
The good news is – we can teach you what to do, and we are here to help you at Monmouth Rehab Professionals. Physical therapists dedicate their lives to helping individuals get better, stronger and live life without pain. We want you to experience the full benefits of strength and mobility. We strive to achieve life changing improvements in all our clients. Nothing makes us happier. We want to see that smile on your face when you walk out of our clinic. It’s why we do what we do.
Physical therapy can empower patients with chronic joint/muscle pain and improve the quality of life. Let us show you what we can do or you. To get started, call us today to discover how we can help you deal with chronic joint and muscle pain.
Jun, 2017
A stress fracture, also known as a fatigue-induced fracture, consists of one or more small cracks in the bone. It is associated with a pattern of overuse, commonly seen in the lower extremity in athletes.
Repetitive motion is one the mechanisms that result in a stress fracture. The muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb ground force, which is transmitted to the bone. This overload results in stress fractures over a period. High impact sporting activities that result in this injury include:
The main symptom is pain in the extremities which worsens with activity and subsides with rest.
As with any bone injury, the confirmatory diagnostic test is an x-ray. In some cases, a CAT scan or MRI is requested if the x-ray is not conclusive.
The pain stimulus is the body’s natural mechanism to protect itself from severe self-inflicted injury. The rule of thumb for immediate treatment is:
Rest (and limited weight bearing) is an important aspect of stress reduction on the bone and surrounding joints. Shoe inserts also help with shock absorption.
If something is tingling, numb or hurting, it is time to stop what you are doing and seek medical attention. If a stress fracture is ignored, the condition can get worse and escalate to a more serious injury. A stress fracture is an early sign of bone destruction, and it must be treated quickly and proactively. It is generally associated with dull, aching pain in a general area. As it progresses, the pain can escalate to sharp, piercing pain in a localized area. Ignoring a stress fracture will lead to further bone deterioration. This can result in long-term consequences ranging from increased recovery time to joint deformity.
If you are participating in ongoing, repetitive activity or a high impact sport, it is important to rest periodically from the task and do the following:
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication can help with pain relief. A physician may recommend prescription medication for pain relief and refer patients to physical therapy.
Recovery from stress fractures is a gradual process. Bone fragments need time to heal. The primary objective of physical therapy during the healing process is to prevent further injury. Once the healing process is complete, it is even more important to seek the counsel of a physical therapist. The therapist will design an exercise program geared towards gradual, progressive recovery of full function of the bones, muscles, and joints.
Physical therapy is an excellent choice for non-surgical treatment for mild to moderate cases of stress fractures. Some of the techniques used by physical therapists include:
If you or someone you know has, or is at risk for a stress fracture, give us a call. We’ll be sure to take the stress away.